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Dr. Lata Mathew

I look back in awe at my journey with God in the past years. I remember the day I went to Chennai for our green card interview like it was just yesterday. I prayed, "Lord, ifit's your will grant me the visa and if it's your wish place me in a ministry guided by the Holy Spirit". With great aspirations my family migrated to the land of opportunities to embrace a new culture leaving behind all the good of our homeland. I was ceptical about accepting the new surrondings and I found my refuge in God. We reached Florida but four months went by with no job. There were moments when my confidence in God hit rock bottom and I whined to the Lord. I could not understand my purpose in that country and in the darkness of the night I cried to my heavenly father. Then I put my faith in Him and decided to offer the best I had with me to Him. Five months later my family moved to New York with a job. Praise God!


We had a humble beginning. God placed us with a loving family who were willing to provide us with more than what we could ask for. Slowly we started to live the American life but it was tough to make ends meet. I continued to pray for the Lord to give us spiritual guidance and miraculously my father in heaven opened the doors to this ministry for us. We decided to walk in for the first 72 hours fasting prayer in our life and that decision has helped both my husband and me to grow leaps and bounds. I saw the hand of God, the provider, working in my life. Our annual perks were hundred folds to the offering I made to God. And as we moved ahead, God blessed us with better jobs and placed us closer to the place of worship. I remember having to drive 60 miles to attend prayer which then went down to 30 miles and is now going to be less than 15 miles. What a wonderful and caring God I serve.


But as we moved forward with our newly found family there were many instances when I was questioned for my faith and my beliefs. And I thank the Lord my saviour in all humility for holding me close and not letting me down. As days and months went by I was more and more convinced and thanked my father in heaven for placing my family and me in His safe hands. The fevrent prayers of Go's beloved prophets - Brother and Upadeshi Appachen always gave me the inner strength to move forward in the midst of trials and helped me to look at life optimistically.


​I pray that God helps us to continue our journey with God through this ministry and grants my family the grace to support and work with our prophets in all that they do to glorify God's kingdom on earth.

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