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Elzarose Joshua

"Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord, praise ye the Lord" (Psalm 150:6)


I thank the Almighty God for giving me wonderful opportunity to share my testimony. Praise and worship are very important in Christian life. God is pleased when we praise God and most importantly heaven rejoices when we sing. During praise and worship, we are able to thank God and remember the great and countless blessings that God has showered on us. This way we can remind ourselves about the great proises that God has made which in fact will give peave, joy and we know how much God loves.


King David is one of the dearest to God because he always praised and worshipped God with songs and instruments. Even though he was a shepherd, he always thanked God and was close to God. From being a shepherd, the Lord anointed him and made him the King of Israel. This is wonderful because God was pleased with King David as he always worshipped the Almighty with new songs.


So, when praise and worship become important in our life, that's when the impossible becomes possible. This will also keep us away from evil and all the dangers. It will full us with joy, peace and will tell us how God protects, care and loves us the most.


One of the testimonies that I want to share is how God protected me and my family. We were travelling in a car and I was driving the car. We prayed and started. Few minutes later, I noticed that two or three cars crashed, next thing I remember was the smell of the smoke and we were just few seconds away from that danger. Our car is the next one to hit and I started panicking. Surprisingly in a blink of an eye I noticed my car move on the next lane normally and literally don't know how this happened because I left the car steering and I was holding my da's hand so immediately I looked at my dad and asked "Did you pull the steering" and he told me that he did not even hold the steering. I was a new driver and do not hve any driving experience before, and I know that I am not smart enough to even think about doing something to escape from that scenario. One thing I know is that the Lord had sent his angels and protected us from that big accident. We always listen to Bro. Dr. Mathews Vergis uncle's songs while travelling, that has been the wall of protection and the Lord has sent his angels. This is one of the biggest of the many testimonies. I have many more testimonies by listening to the songs written and tuned by Brother uncle. I thank God for planting my small family in this beautiful garden.


​I always wonder how a person can do so much even when there are lot of struggles. When doing Gods work, nothing becomes easy, but I believe that it is only by god's grace and the guidance of the Holy Spirit which made Brother uncle to write 300 beautiful songs. Songs written by Brother uncle has given me different experiences, I received Holy spirit, I felt comfort, love and felt Jesus coming down and touching me. Praising, and worshipping is powerful. There are many songs to mention but one of the many is "Arumille Arumille Yesuvallathenikkarumille"

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