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Jones Davis

All Glory, Honour and Power to the Almighty. Through my journey in christ, a magnetic attraction that kept me in the loop of faith is nothin but Worship. In the many hurdles I've endured, I have encountered my success through them by worshiping Jesus. There are different variations of worship, but as for myself I have always sorshipped in silence. Singing and chanting praises within always proivided me comfort and peace. Brother Dr. Mathews Vergis, as I call him Brother uncle has played a major role in feeding my spirit with hymns that would help me connect my burdens, distresses and needs with the Lord Almighty.


At a very young age a song from one of his album's Jayakhosham grabbed my attention. The song was titled "Athyunnathan Maravil" translated as "God's Protection", a very powerful song that had me on my feet praising His name. Being that young , I was not sinsible enough to know if I was praising Jesus, but knowingly or unknowingly I started singing along to brother uncle's songs. I have to give credit to my father for laying alll of Brother uncle's cassettes at home or while driving around. His songs became a rouine for me. From a small memory, I remember waking up in the morning to brother uncle's songs as my father was very well addiscted tohis hymns as well. As I look back, one attribute I could obtain is the peace and joy that overflowed in our apartment and set you day for success while praising His name. This was made possible, only because of one man that deicated his life entirely for Jesus and found the courage, grace and spirit to the Word. Prayer meetings conducted every Friday was my renewal strategy and the floor to praise His name again. Filled with variety of hymns, I always looked forward to the worship sessions.


In my personal opinion, it was the heart of worship that drew me close to Christ. Music for me was the most effective medium to connect with Christ. King David, is a testament in showing how he connected with God through playing his instrument, singing hymns. It is indeed a great mile stone for Brother uncle in achieving the grace to pen 300 hymngs for the followers of Christ. More than a focus on Jesus, his music encompasses and addresses a spectrum of variety of feelings. His music is a blanket of comfor to the broken hearted, a source of strength to the weak, a ray of hope to the despair. Truly it is a spirit filled experience and it was made possible by Brother uncle attaining the gifts and graces from the Lord Almighty. The love of jesus Christ is witnessed upon the dedication that he showcases in various of his other projects.


During my 4 years of undergrad, there were moments I was unable to move forward. Through each tribulation, albums such as: "Ente Daivam Yahova", "Yesu En Praananaadhan", "Come unto Jesus","Jesus my All in All" has carried me through. Each song listed in these albums provided me the strength to proceed further, push beyond limits and helped me succeed. Praying God will use him to pen more hymns for Christ. Praise the Lord!

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